If Daniel Negreanu’s enthusiasm could be used as, say, rocket fuel, American and Canadian rockets would have plowed the vast expanses of the Universe outside the Solar System for a long time. The other day, the restless Kidpoker again presented the gaming community with an informational occasion - this time he decided to prove himself in the field of politics.

The reason for the intense activity of Negreanu was the statement by the candidate for US President Andrew Young that in case of coming to power, he would legalize poker again. And it was not even said, but written on Twitter, but this was enough for Daniel.

Andrew Young supports the legalization of poker.

He immediately wedged himself into the heated discussion in the game world of the candidate’s initiative and said that he welcomed this decision in every way. Moreover, it turns out that about a week before the publication of the notorious tweet, Negreanu was already contacted by the head of the campaign headquarters Young and hinted that in the event of his candidate's coming, poker pros will become much easier to live in the world.

Therefore, Daniel admitted, he was not surprised by such a statement: he generally supported Young long before this and considers him the most successful option for the next head of the White House. According to Negreanu, this is not just the future president - this is a real rock star who is able to see the future and understands it better than anyone.

In addition, Kidpoker noted, it’s just great that Andrew Young cannot be attributed to either the left or the right - he is a pure centrist, and also a very practical person, driven not by emotions, but by logic. He will undoubtedly become one of the leaders of the presidential race, and with such a president, Negreanu concludes, online poker in the United States will prosper.

It is touching that with all this, Daniel himself is a Canadian citizen, and on November 3, 2020, he simply can’t vote for Young or anyone else. But he is quite capable of shaping public opinion, and if his views are shared by American members of the poker community (and they really do), then Young's competitors will have a very, very difficult time.